One of the most important components of this course was William Zinsser’s On Writing Well. (Notice I said, “One of the most important components...,” not “I think one of the most important components....”) I did not agree 100% will all of his suggestions, but most of his ideas were logical.
Like Strunk & White, Zinsser advises us to trash any superfluous words. (Is “superfluous” too complex for this piece, Mr. Zinsser?) For the most part, this is good advice. Already in this piece, I’ve resisted the urge to write, “I think that,” and used “were” instead of “seemed to be.” Zinsser recommends “clean” writing without frills or jargon. Each word must have a purpose and value. Important words should stay, useless words should go.
He also recommends we take the time to write a good lead. Whether it be one sentence or one paragraph, we need to capture our audiences’ attention.
The section about the school administrators relearning how to write struck me the most. Here are people who are teaching our kids to write, yet they cannot craft a simple letter to their students’ parents. By creating friendly pieces with easy vocabulary, administrators and businesspeople can reach their intended audience. In addition, personalizing the piece (using the dreaded “I”) can make a reader feel as though the text was written for him and not by some emotionless robot.
Finally, I appreciated Zinsser’s advice to write for ourselves, and not for anyone else. If we like our pieces, someone else may like them, too. If we try to please everyone or hijack a style that is not our own, we will lose our voice.
There were some parts of the book that failed to capture my attention. For example, the entire section on boring writing was extremely boring. Zinsser told us not to lose our readers, yet his writing was so dull that I skimmed through several pages.
In the section about memoirs, Zinsser talked about his article on a childhood toy. Although his audience may not have had direct experience with that particular toy, Zinsser said his readers could still relate to the story of having a favorite childhood toy. This made the piece relevant to all readers. However, earlier in the book he wrote about baseball. In fact, there was an entire chapter on sports. I could not relate to this chapter at all, and often skimmed the parts about baseball. Zinsser, you’re not holding my attention!
Overall, the book is a worthwhile read, and I will surely keep it on hand.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
(Rewrite) Playing Devil's Advocate: On Stray Cats
The Assignment: Play the Devil’s advocate in your chosen niche. Find a provocative stance or an unexpected thesis by writing about and exploring a contentious or confusing issue and then make your argument. Try picking an argument you normally feel strongly about and take the other side.
You hear them at night: feral and stray cats calling to their mates or brawling in the alley ways. They are a huge nuisance in the United States, especially in cities. Wherever there is a steady food source, the cats will survive: near homes, near restaurants, and anywhere with a population of rodents or birds.
Cats procreate rapidly, quickly infesting the neighborhood. They carry germs, parasites, and diseases which can be passed on to humans. Unfortunately, they are a danger to public health, so responsible persons should act quickly to eradicate the problem.
With a steady food supply, cats multiply quickly. The gestational period for a feline is two months, and she usually has three to six kittens in each litter. A female cat can become pregnant immediately after giving birth. She will often have several litters per year.
Her kittens become sexually mature at five to six months of age. Then they procreate. The cycle continues. Before long, there are hundreds of inbred cats infesting the neighborhood.
Aside from the noise, these cats—who are essentially wild animals due to lack of human socialization—carry disease. They are magnets for fleas and mites, and can spread parasites, such as giardia, to humans.
Although many groups advocate trap, neuter, and release programs, these programs do not remove the problem. It is true that a population of neutered cats will not grow as rapidly as an intact population, but they still infest the same areas. They are still a major problem for the residents and businesspersons who must share their space with these cats.
For this reason, it sometimes becomes necessary to humanely euthanize an entire population of cats. Once the colony has been eradicated, it’s important to remove all food sources. If residents and businesses continue to leave unsecured dumpsters or provide seed to local birds, another stray colony will move in to the same location.
Once the cats and food sources are removed from a particular area, it is unlikely that a new colony will move in.
Kip and I are ADOPTED! I know this because a nice man came in, petted us for a long time, and then said, “How would you boys like to be adopted?”
It all started as a typical Saturday. We made a mess of our food and water bowls, played for a bit, and then fell asleep in the window. A group of school children came in midday and hung out with us. Most of them were nice, but one pulled Kip’s tail! When we tired of them, we retreated on to the highest window ledge and gazed down at them. I tried to give the mean boy a hard stare while flicking my tail just to show him how upset I was about the tail pulling.
When they left, I snoozed for awhile and Kip gave himself a bath.
In the later afternoon, a gentleman entered the room. He grabbed on of my favorite toys. I just cannot resist that catnip mouse on a string. I know it’s not real, but it looks so real and tastes so good! Kip and I had great fun chasing it around the room.
After playing for a short while, the man sat down. Kip and I turned on our feline charm. We hung around him and he scratched behind our ears. He left to talk to one of the staff members and then came back into our room. He told us about his house: he has one dog and one human; someone he calls “Wife.” Finally, he told us that we were being adopted. I wasn’t sure what this meant, but I knew it was a good thing.
Tonight we are in his house. This time, I’m not in a bathroom. Kip and I are in a giant room with a big fluffy bed. We ate dinner shortly after arriving, and now we are running around the room. It’s huge! Wife is nice. I like her already. She said we would meet the dog next week, after we’ve “settled in.” I’m nervous about that, but I’ve met more nice dogs than mean, so I’m sure Kip and I can put this one in his place.
I’m excited for my new life here. Being adopted feels great. I wonder if they have a faucet somewhere...
It all started as a typical Saturday. We made a mess of our food and water bowls, played for a bit, and then fell asleep in the window. A group of school children came in midday and hung out with us. Most of them were nice, but one pulled Kip’s tail! When we tired of them, we retreated on to the highest window ledge and gazed down at them. I tried to give the mean boy a hard stare while flicking my tail just to show him how upset I was about the tail pulling.
When they left, I snoozed for awhile and Kip gave himself a bath.
In the later afternoon, a gentleman entered the room. He grabbed on of my favorite toys. I just cannot resist that catnip mouse on a string. I know it’s not real, but it looks so real and tastes so good! Kip and I had great fun chasing it around the room.
After playing for a short while, the man sat down. Kip and I turned on our feline charm. We hung around him and he scratched behind our ears. He left to talk to one of the staff members and then came back into our room. He told us about his house: he has one dog and one human; someone he calls “Wife.” Finally, he told us that we were being adopted. I wasn’t sure what this meant, but I knew it was a good thing.
Tonight we are in his house. This time, I’m not in a bathroom. Kip and I are in a giant room with a big fluffy bed. We ate dinner shortly after arriving, and now we are running around the room. It’s huge! Wife is nice. I like her already. She said we would meet the dog next week, after we’ve “settled in.” I’m nervous about that, but I’ve met more nice dogs than mean, so I’m sure Kip and I can put this one in his place.
I’m excited for my new life here. Being adopted feels great. I wonder if they have a faucet somewhere...
Thursday, March 8, 2012
My Classmates’ Projects In Review
My Classmates’ Projects In Review
Brunel’s Ghost
I have to admit, I had a hard time understanding what this character was about at first. This is what I gather: Isambard Kingdom Brunel was an engineer in the 1800s. This blog seeks to promote history by creating a “ghost” voice for Brunel, and proposes to integrate Brunel’s life into the modern day by creating an interactive tour where participants can visit a variety of places linked to Brunel’s legacy. Is that right?
I suppose, if this were a “real” project, the creator would have to get permission from the estate to use Brunel’s likeness. I’m not sure, though.
What I like about this project is that it promotes a specific historical figure. Re-enactments and the like are right up my alley. Making history “come alive,” for students as well as the general public, is a worthy endeavor.
Dvosara Ten
The concept of Dvosara was very difficult for me to grasp, mostly (I think) due to the writing style. I had a hard time understanding the posts, and my inability to decipher the language made me feel unintelligent. However, I persisted with reading each post and eventually got some idea of the character.
From what I understand, Dvosara is a character somewhere out there in space. She has found a way to contact earth’s internet, but she doesn’t know for sure that the information is current or if earth even exists. Still, she continues to communicate just in case it does exist. I think we (the readers) are supposed to become thoughtful and introspective after reading her posts. We are supposed to look at ourselves in a new light. I’m not 100% sure this is the intention, but that’s how perceived the writings.
Other Comments:
Uptown She: I loved your voice and appreciated your ability to use humor to grab my attention.
Bumpnoggin: Your pitch video was excellent.
ComTechSolider: I liked your critique of a social media campaign. You took a popular television show and analyzed its ability to communicate with its audience. Nice job.
Passion For Paws: Love your topic!
Brunel’s Ghost
I have to admit, I had a hard time understanding what this character was about at first. This is what I gather: Isambard Kingdom Brunel was an engineer in the 1800s. This blog seeks to promote history by creating a “ghost” voice for Brunel, and proposes to integrate Brunel’s life into the modern day by creating an interactive tour where participants can visit a variety of places linked to Brunel’s legacy. Is that right?
I suppose, if this were a “real” project, the creator would have to get permission from the estate to use Brunel’s likeness. I’m not sure, though.
What I like about this project is that it promotes a specific historical figure. Re-enactments and the like are right up my alley. Making history “come alive,” for students as well as the general public, is a worthy endeavor.
Dvosara Ten
The concept of Dvosara was very difficult for me to grasp, mostly (I think) due to the writing style. I had a hard time understanding the posts, and my inability to decipher the language made me feel unintelligent. However, I persisted with reading each post and eventually got some idea of the character.
From what I understand, Dvosara is a character somewhere out there in space. She has found a way to contact earth’s internet, but she doesn’t know for sure that the information is current or if earth even exists. Still, she continues to communicate just in case it does exist. I think we (the readers) are supposed to become thoughtful and introspective after reading her posts. We are supposed to look at ourselves in a new light. I’m not 100% sure this is the intention, but that’s how perceived the writings.
Other Comments:
Uptown She: I loved your voice and appreciated your ability to use humor to grab my attention.
Bumpnoggin: Your pitch video was excellent.
ComTechSolider: I liked your critique of a social media campaign. You took a popular television show and analyzed its ability to communicate with its audience. Nice job.
Passion For Paws: Love your topic!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I can breathe now. I’m starting to feel better. I’ve been moved yet again. Once more I’ve found myself in a small room, but this time I have a playmate and regular visitors.
My playmate’s name is Kip. I was wary of him at first, but he enthusiastically introduced himself and we’ve become fast friends. Kip also has Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). Like me, he lived out on the streets. Unlike me, he was never scooped up by a nice lady with a dripping faucet. Instead, he found himself stuck in a trap. After getting caught, he was brought directly here.
Kip and I are having great fun. Every morning, we tip over our dishes. When the staff come in, they say, “Oh, boys, what have you done?!” Then they pet us and give us breakfast and fresh water. It’s my new favorite game.
I feel happy again for the first time in ages. There are giant windows in this room. In the morning, if I sit in the corner of the windowsill, I can easily soak up an hour of sun. It feels wonderful, and I can’t help but purrrrrrrr.
In the afternoon we have visitors. It’s hit or miss. Sometimes we have wonderful old ladies who coo to us with their deep, aged voices. Their laps are small and boney, but their touch is magical. Other times we have obnoxious children who pull our ears. Kip and I both retreat to the high window sills when they visit!
Everyone seems to like us. They tell us, “You’ll be adopted soon.” I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds lovely.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Social Media Campaigns: The Ag-Gag Petition
Pick a current social media campaign and critique it with an eye on your goals. Look at how the growing conversation is affecting our world. Then discuss your social media ideas for your online presence. Will you concentrate on Twitter or YouTube and why?
This year Iowa Republican John Mathis sponsored HB187, legislation which will outlaw undercover video in food production facilities. Animal rights and animal welfare activists are up in arms because undercover video is often the only way to collect evidence in criminal animal and human abuse cases. Unfortunately, despite the use of social media to campaign against the bill, Iowa governor Terry Brandstad signed the bill last Tuesday after it passed the House and Senate.
Below are some examples of how concerned citizens utilized the internet to protest against HB187, also known as the "Ag-gag' bill.
Many groups and individuals used Twitter to pass information using the hashtags #AgGag and #StopAgGag. Those tweeting about the bill include:
- Farm Sanctuary, a well-known animal welfare organization with farm animal sanctuaries in New York and California
News organizations also aired video regarding the bill, such as this one from CNN.
Facebook also played a role in the debate as organizations discussed the debate and "events" and "groups" cropped up to campaign against the bill.
While I think blogs, Facebook, and Twitter are useful for spreading information, videos are pivotal. Because videos can be embedded in to web pages and shared on networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, they are more versatile than any other social media tool.
The visual impact of a video is also greater than a page of words. One cannot miss the message in Mercy For Animal's video about the Ag-Gag bill, and it's hard to think a compassionate person could watch that video and vote for the bill.
Because videos are so useful within the constantly changing world of social media, I would certainly spend a good deal of time creating videos if I were running a social media campaign.
The horrible thing about the Ag-Gag campaign is that it failed. All these fancy social media devices did not succeed in convincing enough people to vote against the bill. Getting the message out in non-internet venues is important, and I do not think that happened to the extent it needed to crush the bill. Billboards, bus banners, and television ads capture eyes. Any type of campaign needs to use social media in addition to more traditional media outlets, at least for now.
This year Iowa Republican John Mathis sponsored HB187, legislation which will outlaw undercover video in food production facilities. Animal rights and animal welfare activists are up in arms because undercover video is often the only way to collect evidence in criminal animal and human abuse cases. Unfortunately, despite the use of social media to campaign against the bill, Iowa governor Terry Brandstad signed the bill last Tuesday after it passed the House and Senate.
Below are some examples of how concerned citizens utilized the internet to protest against HB187, also known as the "Ag-gag' bill.
Many groups and individuals used Twitter to pass information using the hashtags #AgGag and #StopAgGag. Those tweeting about the bill include:
- Farm Sanctuary, a well-known animal welfare organization with farm animal sanctuaries in New York and California
- Writer, blogger, and public personality Ari Soloman
- ABC News
- An animal rights group called Mercy For Animals
- An animals rights group called People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Activists also used blogs to spread information. Below are some images from the Mercy For Animals, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), and PETA blogs.
News websites such as ABC, the Huffington Post, and the Associated Press also carried coverage of the bill.
News websites such as ABC, the Huffington Post, and the Associated Press also carried coverage of the bill.
News organizations also aired video regarding the bill, such as this one from CNN.
Facebook also played a role in the debate as organizations discussed the debate and "events" and "groups" cropped up to campaign against the bill.
The visual impact of a video is also greater than a page of words. One cannot miss the message in Mercy For Animal's video about the Ag-Gag bill, and it's hard to think a compassionate person could watch that video and vote for the bill.
Because videos are so useful within the constantly changing world of social media, I would certainly spend a good deal of time creating videos if I were running a social media campaign.
The horrible thing about the Ag-Gag campaign is that it failed. All these fancy social media devices did not succeed in convincing enough people to vote against the bill. Getting the message out in non-internet venues is important, and I do not think that happened to the extent it needed to crush the bill. Billboards, bus banners, and television ads capture eyes. Any type of campaign needs to use social media in addition to more traditional media outlets, at least for now.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Commercial Script: Support The Buddy Fund
Click here to view the video script for a commercial supporting The Buddy Fund.
I feel terrible. My body has been drained of every ounce of energy. I cannot breathe well, and my nose is clogged with mucus. I’ve been moved into a new room, but the kennel is the same size as the other one. This room is full of cats like myself: sneezing, hacking, tired.
They still clean up my habitat once per day, giving me food, fresh water, and a clean litter pan. They also force this disgusting liquid down my throat twice per day. It tastes like dirt and gives me a stomach ache. I hate it.
Most of the time, I sleep. I’ve been having strange dreams. Sometimes I’m back in the little bathroom, playing with the water faucet and trying to look out the window. Then I’m outside in the cold, looking for a trash can to find something to eat. Then I’m a kitten playing near a tree, but the tree is indoors. There are shiny toys dangling from the tree. I drift between these dreams, and reality. The reality is: I’m sick, I’m bored, and I’m trapped.
I’m beginning to feel hopeless.
They still clean up my habitat once per day, giving me food, fresh water, and a clean litter pan. They also force this disgusting liquid down my throat twice per day. It tastes like dirt and gives me a stomach ache. I hate it.
Most of the time, I sleep. I’ve been having strange dreams. Sometimes I’m back in the little bathroom, playing with the water faucet and trying to look out the window. Then I’m outside in the cold, looking for a trash can to find something to eat. Then I’m a kitten playing near a tree, but the tree is indoors. There are shiny toys dangling from the tree. I drift between these dreams, and reality. The reality is: I’m sick, I’m bored, and I’m trapped.
I’m beginning to feel hopeless.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
I went to the clinic this morning.
When I woke up from surgery, I felt horrible. I have never felt so sick in my life. The world was spinning. All I could do to keep from throwing up was to close my eyes and go back to sleep.
I think I slept all day. I finally feel a bit better this evening, but I don’t have much of an appetite. I had just a few bites of food and some water. I don’t even mind being in this small kennel because I don’t feel like doing much. I hope this feeling doesn’t last.
They tell me I’ve been neutered!
When I woke up from surgery, I felt horrible. I have never felt so sick in my life. The world was spinning. All I could do to keep from throwing up was to close my eyes and go back to sleep.
I think I slept all day. I finally feel a bit better this evening, but I don’t have much of an appetite. I had just a few bites of food and some water. I don’t even mind being in this small kennel because I don’t feel like doing much. I hope this feeling doesn’t last.
They tell me I’ve been neutered!
Abstract + Video for Elevator Pitch
1. Take your favorite elevator pitch and write a first draft Executive Summary/Abstract/opening paragraph for a proposal.
There is an adopter for that twelve year old Shih Tzu missing her right eye. We just need to find him.
That’s where the Adoption Match program comes in.
Adoption Match is a digital alert system that will message a user when an animal matching his or her criteria goes up for adoption at our facility. The public can use the Adoption Match program online or through the smart phone application.
For example, let’s say I’m looking for a male labrador retriever mix age 1-5 years. I enter those criteria in to the Adoption Match program. Three weeks later, when a 3-year-old lab goes up for adoption, I get an email. It’s simple and effective.
Launching this program involves the creation of a website and smart phone application that are linked to the PetPoint database. As soon as an animal becomes “Available” in PetPoint, the system will send out an alert.
I anticipate the creation and testing of the website and application will take one year. We will need:
There is an adopter for that twelve year old Shih Tzu missing her right eye. We just need to find him.
That’s where the Adoption Match program comes in.
Adoption Match is a digital alert system that will message a user when an animal matching his or her criteria goes up for adoption at our facility. The public can use the Adoption Match program online or through the smart phone application.
For example, let’s say I’m looking for a male labrador retriever mix age 1-5 years. I enter those criteria in to the Adoption Match program. Three weeks later, when a 3-year-old lab goes up for adoption, I get an email. It’s simple and effective.
Launching this program involves the creation of a website and smart phone application that are linked to the PetPoint database. As soon as an animal becomes “Available” in PetPoint, the system will send out an alert.
I anticipate the creation and testing of the website and application will take one year. We will need:
- a web designer who can create the website, create a form in which users can submit their criteria and contact information, and link all the information to our existing website;
- an application designer who can work with the web designer to make a cohesive smart phone application that resembles the website;
- someone familiar with the PetPoint database who can work with both parties to connect the necessary information; and
- a graphic designer who can work with the website and application designer to create a unified image that matches with the organization.
The initial website and application will take around 8-10 months to complete, and then we will need to test both over the next 2-4 months and fix any bugs.
- a graphic designer who can work with the website and application designer to create a unified image that matches with the organization.
The initial website and application will take around 8-10 months to complete, and then we will need to test both over the next 2-4 months and fix any bugs.
Adoption Match presentation transcript:
Slide 1: (none)
Slide 2: Adoption Match is a digital alert system that will message a user when an animal matching his or her criteria goes up for adoption at our facility. The public can use the Adoption Match program online or through the smart phone application.
For example, let’s say I’m looking for a male domestic longhair feline between the ages of 1-5 years. I enter those criteria in to the Adoption Match program. Three weeks later, when 3 year old Dorren goes up for adoption, I get an email. It’s simple and effective.
Slide 3: Each year, thousands of animals are admitted to the adoption program here in Springfield, MA. Our job is to find them homes as quickly as possible. Animals who linger in the adoption program are more likely to get sick, more likely to suffer from stress-related behavior issues, and drain the resources of this donation-based organization. With Adoption Match, we can quickly reach the people who are looking specifically for that type of animal. It serves our animals and serves our adopters.
Slide 4: Launching this program involves the creation of a website and smart phone application that are linked to the PetPoint database that we use to track our animals. As soon as an animal becomes “Available” in PetPoint, the system will send out an alert. We will need a web designer who can create the website, create a form in which users can submit their criteria and contact information, and link all the information to our existing website.
Slide 5: When users enroll in the program, they will be guided through a series of screens where they can select which types of animals they’re looking to adopt...
Slide 6: ...and which characteristics they desire. For example, a dog adopter might select a few breeds and an age range.
Slide 7: We will also need an application designer who can work with the web designer to make a cohesive smart phone application that resembles the website. Linked to our PetPoint database, the smart phone application will notify adopters the moment an animal matching their criteria becomes available for adoption.
Slide 8: When a match is found, users can scroll through the information to learn more about the animal, including photo, age, sex, location, contact info, and story.
Slide 9: We will need to hire someone familiar with the PetPoint database who can work with both parties to connect the necessary information to the website and application.
Slide 10: Using modern technology, we can reduce the length of stay for animals in our adoption program by targeting adopters based on what they’re looking for in their next animal companion. Save a life with the Adoption Match alert system. Your furry friend awaits.
Slide 1: (none)
Slide 2: Adoption Match is a digital alert system that will message a user when an animal matching his or her criteria goes up for adoption at our facility. The public can use the Adoption Match program online or through the smart phone application.
For example, let’s say I’m looking for a male domestic longhair feline between the ages of 1-5 years. I enter those criteria in to the Adoption Match program. Three weeks later, when 3 year old Dorren goes up for adoption, I get an email. It’s simple and effective.
Slide 3: Each year, thousands of animals are admitted to the adoption program here in Springfield, MA. Our job is to find them homes as quickly as possible. Animals who linger in the adoption program are more likely to get sick, more likely to suffer from stress-related behavior issues, and drain the resources of this donation-based organization. With Adoption Match, we can quickly reach the people who are looking specifically for that type of animal. It serves our animals and serves our adopters.
Slide 4: Launching this program involves the creation of a website and smart phone application that are linked to the PetPoint database that we use to track our animals. As soon as an animal becomes “Available” in PetPoint, the system will send out an alert. We will need a web designer who can create the website, create a form in which users can submit their criteria and contact information, and link all the information to our existing website.
Slide 5: When users enroll in the program, they will be guided through a series of screens where they can select which types of animals they’re looking to adopt...
Slide 6: ...and which characteristics they desire. For example, a dog adopter might select a few breeds and an age range.
Slide 7: We will also need an application designer who can work with the web designer to make a cohesive smart phone application that resembles the website. Linked to our PetPoint database, the smart phone application will notify adopters the moment an animal matching their criteria becomes available for adoption.
Slide 8: When a match is found, users can scroll through the information to learn more about the animal, including photo, age, sex, location, contact info, and story.
Slide 9: We will need to hire someone familiar with the PetPoint database who can work with both parties to connect the necessary information to the website and application.
Slide 10: Using modern technology, we can reduce the length of stay for animals in our adoption program by targeting adopters based on what they’re looking for in their next animal companion. Save a life with the Adoption Match alert system. Your furry friend awaits.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
It’s been a few days since I moved in to my new abode. I’m trapped in this tiny box, but they treat me well. Mostly, I’m lonely. When they fed me this morning, I was so starved for affection that before I even realized what I was doing, I began rubbing my face all over the woman’s hand. Fortunately she accepted my greeting and cooed quietly to me, smiling and scratching behind my ears.
Being here has been stressful. I don’t know if my muscles are aching because I haven’t been able to walk around or if they ache because I’ve been so tense. I’ve had diarrhea for the past few days even though I haven’t eaten much. The worst part is that my litter box is inches away from my bed and my food. I try to cover up my feces, but I can still smell it.
I was poked and prodded again this afternoon. They took a blood sample and told me I have something called Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. Apparently that means my immune system is compromised, so I can get sick more easily than other cats.
I am starting to feel a bit more at ease this evening. I know that every morning, my litter box will be changed and I’ll get fresh water, food, and blankets. I know that every evening my kennel will be tidied. I know that everyone who stops to say hello seems friendly. Still, I need to stay on alert. A smart cat never shuts both eyes, if you know what I mean.
This evening, after I ate dinner, they removed the leftovers from my kennel. I’m slightly uneasy about that. What does it mean?
Being here has been stressful. I don’t know if my muscles are aching because I haven’t been able to walk around or if they ache because I’ve been so tense. I’ve had diarrhea for the past few days even though I haven’t eaten much. The worst part is that my litter box is inches away from my bed and my food. I try to cover up my feces, but I can still smell it.
I was poked and prodded again this afternoon. They took a blood sample and told me I have something called Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. Apparently that means my immune system is compromised, so I can get sick more easily than other cats.
I am starting to feel a bit more at ease this evening. I know that every morning, my litter box will be changed and I’ll get fresh water, food, and blankets. I know that every evening my kennel will be tidied. I know that everyone who stops to say hello seems friendly. Still, I need to stay on alert. A smart cat never shuts both eyes, if you know what I mean.
This evening, after I ate dinner, they removed the leftovers from my kennel. I’m slightly uneasy about that. What does it mean?
Friday, February 17, 2012
Midterm Proposal and Elevator Pitches
1) Write your midterm proposal. What is your plan for your online presence now that you have explored some possibilities? What concrete steps could you take to advance your voice online? How do you plan to separate yourself from the crowd? Or if you are starting from scratch, what is your new plan?
I want Zero to both tell his story and interact with his followers. I plan to have him tweet more on topics not related to the telling of his story. I experimented with it last night (posting photos on Twitter), but so far I have not gotten a response. However, I think a more “interactive” voice might help his cause. Audience participation could be the key to maintaining interest. Then again, it may not work. The joy of experimentation!
My plan for Zero is to complete his story by the end of the course: he will go a humane society, test positive for FIV, go up for adoption, become ill, go back up for adoption, and then be adopted. My idea is to experiment with a persona that could generate awareness about homeless animals and the role of humane organizations. My concrete goal is to enjoy and experiment with creative writing.
Creating a “voice” for Zero has been a challenge because I feel like is voice is my own. When I write, in my head I’m verbally telling a story. It’s my voice I hear.
I think in order to create a new voice for Zero, I’d have to first experiment with my own voice. For example, in her film The Future, Miranda July was both one of the main characters in the story and also the voice of Paw Paw the cat. Her creation is perfect. I couldn’t imagine a different narrator for the part of the cat. (Check out the video below. You hear Miranda, as Paw Paw, in the opening seconds of the trailer.)
If I were actually launching a similar project (meaning: if this was not just a classroom experiment), I would likely have to do something to make Zero special. As Prof. Kalm suggests, I would have to “separate myself from the crowd.” I have very few technical skills when it comes to computers, so I would have to rely on basic platforms.
One idea would be to do a YouTube video series in which viewers can go on virtual tours of humane societies across the United States. It would be a blast to travel the country getting footage. This plan would depend on my purchase of a winning lotto ticket, of course.
Another idea would be some sort of charitable contest: submit photos of YOUR Zero. In other words, readers would submit photos of their adopted cats and the winner would have a certain amount donated to the humane society of their choice. Perhaps it would be like the current Humane Society of the United States campaign: voters would donate $1 per vote.
(Shameless plug: You can donate to the HSUS and CT Humane by voting for my friend, Nokomis, here.)
2) Write two elevator pitches for two ingenious ideas within your niche. One might be a proposal for a website or app, another could be a foundation or initiative. You will expand on these ideas after the lectures next week. For now just come up with a few possibilities.
Proposal 1: Animals for Adoption Application
I propose an alert system that would tell a user when an animal matching his or her criteria becomes available for adoption.
There are several content aggregation websites, such as Petango and Petfinder, that amass data about animals for adoption. Users can enter certain criteria regarding the animal companion they’d like and search for potential matches near a certain location. For example, if I wanted to adopt a Golden Retriever near Springfield, Mass., I could enter those search terms and view any matches.
Petfinder does offer an iPhone application that allows the user to utilize the website from his or her phone. He or she can search for animals, tag favorites, and email links to friends.
My suggestion would be the creation of an application that actually tells the user when a potential match has become available. For example, if I wanted an adult Golden Retriever near Springfield, Mass., I’d get a notification (on my phone or email) when a similar dog was posted on the database.
I also think it would be fun to make an application for the organization I work for. We use a database called Petpoint. If an animal is made “available” in Petpoint, he shows up on our website. I can’t tell you the number of people who call in wanting a certain animal, but that animal has already been adopted. We tell them to keep an eye on the website. It would be even better if we could have interested people download an application that would alert them whenever an animal meeting their criteria went up for adoption. They could make the criteria as broad or specific as they wanted. This alert system would have to be linked to our Petpoint database, as that is the most up to date system.
Proposal 2: Live Web Cams in the Cat Colony Rooms
Do you want to check out that nice tortoiseshell cat you saw on your local humane society’s website, but you aren’t able to make it in until the weekend? Cue the web cam for her colony room, and you can watch her eat, sleep, and play.
At the humane society where I work, colony rooms house many of the cats for adoption. If they are cat-friendly cats, they are candidates for the room. Being in a room is much less stressful for a cat compared to sitting in a kennel. The rooms also allow visitors a more homelike environment in which to visit potential adoptees.
It would be fun for website visitors to be able to watch the kitties on screen. Some web visitors would watch just for fun, while others might be scoping out new family members. Because the colony rooms are public areas and anyone entering can assume there is no privacy, the colony rooms would be the most reasonable places for webcams. (It would be more difficult to attach webcams to individual kennels for animals that are not as free-roaming as the cats in the rooms.)
I’m in a new place. I’m terrified.
This morning, she ushered me into a box. At first I was hesitant to go, but I was so desperate for a change of pace that I submitted.
I rode in the car. It was terrible. I don’t know how anyone rides in one every day. I threw up all over myself. I couldn’t even lick myself clean without feeling nauseous.
We arrived at our destination and entered a noisy, busy building. Peering through the holes in the box, I could see several dogs and a crowd of people. It smelled like there were more dogs and cats than the ones I saw.
I was frozen with fear. I literally couldn’t move. I sat and waited while she talked to a woman behind a counter.
Then she opened the door to the box. She patted my head and wished me well before disappearing out of sight.
They took me into a back room with a cold, metal table. I was poked and prodded and examined. They took a damp wash cloth and cleaned the vomit off my fur.
“Don’t worry, Zero,” said the woman who did most of the poking. “It’s not so bad here.”
Now I find myself in a much smaller space than my bathroom. It’s a metal box, about one body’s length squared. I’ve got food, water, a toy, and a cardboard box. My toilet is literally right next to my food and bed. I can hear that there are other cats in my same predicament. One of my neighbors is meowing just like I did the other night. I know how he feels. Another is scratching in her litter box. Scratch, scratch, scratch. It annoys me. She won’t stop.
I’m not sure why we’re all here.
I’ve been crouched in the cardboard box for hours now. They haven’t come to check on me. I haven’t been able to muster up the courage to eat or use my litter box. I’m really not sure what will happen next.
Even though the bathroom was small, right now I miss it dearly. I wish she would come back and take me home so we could play with the water from the faucet again.
This morning, she ushered me into a box. At first I was hesitant to go, but I was so desperate for a change of pace that I submitted.
I rode in the car. It was terrible. I don’t know how anyone rides in one every day. I threw up all over myself. I couldn’t even lick myself clean without feeling nauseous.
We arrived at our destination and entered a noisy, busy building. Peering through the holes in the box, I could see several dogs and a crowd of people. It smelled like there were more dogs and cats than the ones I saw.
I was frozen with fear. I literally couldn’t move. I sat and waited while she talked to a woman behind a counter.
Then she opened the door to the box. She patted my head and wished me well before disappearing out of sight.
They took me into a back room with a cold, metal table. I was poked and prodded and examined. They took a damp wash cloth and cleaned the vomit off my fur.
“Don’t worry, Zero,” said the woman who did most of the poking. “It’s not so bad here.”
Now I find myself in a much smaller space than my bathroom. It’s a metal box, about one body’s length squared. I’ve got food, water, a toy, and a cardboard box. My toilet is literally right next to my food and bed. I can hear that there are other cats in my same predicament. One of my neighbors is meowing just like I did the other night. I know how he feels. Another is scratching in her litter box. Scratch, scratch, scratch. It annoys me. She won’t stop.
I’m not sure why we’re all here.
I’ve been crouched in the cardboard box for hours now. They haven’t come to check on me. I haven’t been able to muster up the courage to eat or use my litter box. I’m really not sure what will happen next.
Even though the bathroom was small, right now I miss it dearly. I wish she would come back and take me home so we could play with the water from the faucet again.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
I had written a few snippets for Zero when we have the résumé assignment. I wanted to re-post a few of those as well as explore possible meta descriptions for other types of websites. Enjoy!
--Zero's Narrator
* * *
Sign up for Twitter to follow The Chronicles of Zero. Keep up to date with Zero, the cat who has captured the hearts of a nation.
Sign up for Twitter to follow The Chronicles of Zero. Keep up to date with Zero, the cat who has captured the hearts of a nation.
Official Blog:
Zero is a cat. His life is about to change.
Zero is a cat. His life is about to change.
IMDb (for Zero's film):
Zero is a cat. Accustomed to life on the streets, he must adjust to his new life when a compassionate woman brings him in to her home.
Zero is a cat. Accustomed to life on the streets, he must adjust to his new life when a compassionate woman brings him in to her home.
Wikipedia (musical):
The Chronicles of Zero is a Broadway musical, written by Kathleen Marshall, based on popular blog and film of the same name.
The Chronicles of Zero is a Broadway musical, written by Kathleen Marshall, based on popular blog and film of the same name.
YouTube (a video from the musical):
The Chronicles of Zero - How to Catch a Mouse (A scene from the 2013 Broadway Musical)
The Chronicles of Zero - How to Catch a Mouse (A scene from the 2013 Broadway Musical)
Lyrics for the musical's songs:
The Chronicles of Zero - How to Catch a Mouse lyrics: When it's time for dinner I sit and I wait...
The Chronicles of Zero - How to Catch a Mouse lyrics: When it's time for dinner I sit and I wait...
Fan site:
A fan site for Zero, the friendly feline popularized in The Chronicles of Zero blog and film. Featuring photos, transcripts, videos from the new musical, online chats with Zero, and much more.
A fan site for Zero, the friendly feline popularized in The Chronicles of Zero blog and film. Featuring photos, transcripts, videos from the new musical, online chats with Zero, and much more.
A news story that might pop up in a search:
Zero the cat may be fictional, but his plight, popularized in the famous blog, film, and musical The Chronicles of Zero, has led to some positive changes in adoption numbers at local humane societies in the United States.
Zero the cat may be fictional, but his plight, popularized in the famous blog, film, and musical The Chronicles of Zero, has led to some positive changes in adoption numbers at local humane societies in the United States.
Wikipedia Post
Here is a draft of an original article for our Wikipedia assignment. This was tough! I'm not sure how to create footnotes within Blogger, but all references are posted at the bottom. I used blue text to highlight what words would link to Wikipedia articles if those articles existed in real life. Other words are linked directly to actual Wikipedia articles. Because of the topic I chose, there were not any available non-web sources, except for the interview. --Zero's Narrator
Songs for Cats
Songs for Cats is the title of a split cassette tape recorded and released in December, 2011, by Connecticut indie-punk rock bands Two Humans and Fung Wah Bus.
Two Humans recorded the music for Songs for Cats in the basement of friend Craig Mills in Wethersfield, Connecticut. The vocals for Two Humans were recorded at Fung Wah Bus bassist Kevin O’Donnell’s house in East Windsor, Connecticut. Fung Wah Bus recorded their tracks entirely at O’Donnell’s.
Physical copies were made by hand using blank tapes and a duplicating tape deck. O’Donnell hand drew the album art for the recordings.
In December, 2011, the recordings were released on tape and posted on the internet though sites like Facebook and Bandcamp.
Two Humans:
Justin Dubree
Lucas Borgstedt
Jason Rule
Fung Wah Bus:
Kevin O’Donnell
Will Pratt
Jason Rule
Guest Musician- Mike Hein
Track Listing
Side A (Fung Wah Bus):
David Bowie’s Ass Looks Better Than My Face 03:13
My Love Turned Pt. 2 03:34
Eggplant 03:14
Riverbed 03:03
Side B (Two Humans)
Sabbatical (College Song) 03:40
Lonely Tunez 03:32
Bump Yer Jones 04:28
Yesterday’s Pajamas; Today’s Bedsheets 04:39
See Also
The Red Rash Collective
The Helveticas
Dubree, Justin. (2012, February 8). Email Interview.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
How To Catch A Mouse
How To Catch A Mouse:
1) Sit quietly in a dark, hidden place and wait. Choose wisely. Places with previous mouse sightings are ideal. You may have to sit for hours, so choose a spot you like.
2) Keep your ears open. Rotate them as needed to decipher any sounds. Be sure not to make any sudden movements. The only part of your body that should be moving is your ears and your head. As difficult as it is, try not to flick your tail. Such movements will alert rodents to your presence.
3) When you hear the familiar sound of a rodent—the high-pitched squeaking; the short, repetitive scratching; and the scurrying of tiny feet—cock your ears and gather the sounds. Use this information to determine where the rodent is located and what type of surface he is walking upon. This information will allow you to locate him quickly.
4) Slowly stand up and turn toward the sound. Stop and listen. Do you still hear him? If so, creep quietly in his direction. Hide behind available objects. Surprise is your best tactic. Be sure to place each paw gently to the ground as you approach. Remember: if you can hear the pitter patter of his feet, he can hear yours.
5) Crouch as close to the rodent as possible while still securing an object to hide behind. Peer around the object to observe your prey. Can you see him? Does he see you? Observe your surroundings. Try to find a place where you think you can corner him. For example, if you chase him into a flower pot or under a set of stairs, his routes of escape will be limited. Keep this chosen location in mind.
6) If he does not see you, creep quietly toward him. Keep your body low to the ground and your steps long and silent. If you can snatch him up when he least expects it, you will have your prize. When you are close enough for an attack, lower your torso to the floor with your paws and elbows to the floor, and raise your hind end in the air. Wriggle your hindquarters back and forth a few times to get a good footing and then POUNCE. Did you catch your prey?
7) If he notices you prior to your attack and attempts to flee, you will need to chase him into the location you previously chose in Step 4. Be sure to position your body such that he views your chosen location as the best route of escape. You may need to make quick, sudden movements to spook him into running toward the appropriate spot. Hopping and meowing loudly are completely appropriate.
8) Once you’ve got him in your chosen spot, capture is inevitable. You can play with your prey if you are certain that he cannot escape again. Use your paws and claws to capture him, and your teeth to do the deed. Dinner!
1) Sit quietly in a dark, hidden place and wait. Choose wisely. Places with previous mouse sightings are ideal. You may have to sit for hours, so choose a spot you like.
2) Keep your ears open. Rotate them as needed to decipher any sounds. Be sure not to make any sudden movements. The only part of your body that should be moving is your ears and your head. As difficult as it is, try not to flick your tail. Such movements will alert rodents to your presence.
3) When you hear the familiar sound of a rodent—the high-pitched squeaking; the short, repetitive scratching; and the scurrying of tiny feet—cock your ears and gather the sounds. Use this information to determine where the rodent is located and what type of surface he is walking upon. This information will allow you to locate him quickly.
4) Slowly stand up and turn toward the sound. Stop and listen. Do you still hear him? If so, creep quietly in his direction. Hide behind available objects. Surprise is your best tactic. Be sure to place each paw gently to the ground as you approach. Remember: if you can hear the pitter patter of his feet, he can hear yours.
5) Crouch as close to the rodent as possible while still securing an object to hide behind. Peer around the object to observe your prey. Can you see him? Does he see you? Observe your surroundings. Try to find a place where you think you can corner him. For example, if you chase him into a flower pot or under a set of stairs, his routes of escape will be limited. Keep this chosen location in mind.
6) If he does not see you, creep quietly toward him. Keep your body low to the ground and your steps long and silent. If you can snatch him up when he least expects it, you will have your prize. When you are close enough for an attack, lower your torso to the floor with your paws and elbows to the floor, and raise your hind end in the air. Wriggle your hindquarters back and forth a few times to get a good footing and then POUNCE. Did you catch your prey?
7) If he notices you prior to your attack and attempts to flee, you will need to chase him into the location you previously chose in Step 4. Be sure to position your body such that he views your chosen location as the best route of escape. You may need to make quick, sudden movements to spook him into running toward the appropriate spot. Hopping and meowing loudly are completely appropriate.
8) Once you’ve got him in your chosen spot, capture is inevitable. You can play with your prey if you are certain that he cannot escape again. Use your paws and claws to capture him, and your teeth to do the deed. Dinner!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Playing Devil's Advocate: On Stray Cats
The Assignment: Play the Devil’s advocate in your chosen niche. Find a provocative stance or an unexpected thesis by writing about and exploring a contentious or confusing issue and then make your argument. Try picking an argument you normally feel strongly about and take the other side.
You hear them at night: feral and stray cats calling to their mates or brawling in the alley ways. They are a huge nuisance in the United States, especially in cities. Wherever there is a steady food source, the cats will survive: near homes, near restaurants, and anywhere with a population of rodents or birds.
With a steady food supply, these cats procreate rapidly. The gestational period for a feline is two months, and she usually has three to six kittens in each litter. A female cat can become pregnant immediately after giving birth. She will often have several litters per year.
Her kittens become sexually mature at five to six months of age. Then they procreate. The cycle continues. Before long, there are hundreds of inbred cats infesting the neighborhood.
Aside from the noise, these cats—who are essentially wild animals due to lack of human socialization—carry disease. They are magnets for fleas and mites, and can spread parasites, such as giardia, to humans.
Although many groups advocate trap, neuter, and release programs, these programs do not remove the problem. It is true that a population of neutered cats will not grow as rapidly as an intact population, but they still infest the same areas. They are still a major problem for the residents and businesspersons who must share their space with these cats.
For this reason, it sometimes becomes necessary to humanely euthanize an entire population of cats. Once the colony has been eradicated, it’s important to remove all food sources. If residents and businesses continue to leave unsecured dumpsters or provide seed to local birds, another stray colony will move in to the same location.
Once the cats and food sources are removed from a particular area, the residents and businesses may resume normal activity.
The Chronicles of Zero: Web Presence
If I were to launch The Chronicles of Zero to create an actual web presence, I’d want to expand his reach. (I certainly would want searchable text!) Let’s pretend that Zero’s story gained national attention. How would his “resume” appear in a Google search? Here is a draft.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Why this topic?: Creating Zero
Creating an internet persona for Writing for Interactive Media presented a unique opportunity for me to explore my online writing style. I considered several different projects before settling on the character of Zero, a homeless cat who finds himself in a life-changing circumstance.
My decision to create a blog and Twitter from the point of view of a cat expands upon my prior experience. Many of my internet outlets—my blog, Twitter, Facebook, my internships—have allowed me to create an online presence. In the aforementioned projects, I present myself in my voice. However, I have two additional projects in which I assume the voice of a house cat.
The first is a Facebook account I created in 2007 for my own sidekick, a five year old Tortoiseshell cat whose name I will withhold for the purposes of anonymity. I mostly use the account to post photos of her, and she makes the occasional comment about feline-related topics.
The second is a blog I created for my employer, a local humane society. We have a real live spokescat with a large Facebook fan base. I expanded on this endeavor by creating a blog in his voice. He discusses important topics and events that relate to the organization. It has been a very positive experience.
Although I considered branching out and exploring other voices for this class, I decided to stick with my current theme, continuing to develop my feline persona. It’s amazing how influential other species can be online. (Check out this article on how talking cats help the SPCA.) Wanting to experiment a bit with creative writing—which I never get to explore—I decided to create the character of Zero. My plan is to tell his story over the course of the next seven weeks. Happy reading!
My decision to create a blog and Twitter from the point of view of a cat expands upon my prior experience. Many of my internet outlets—my blog, Twitter, Facebook, my internships—have allowed me to create an online presence. In the aforementioned projects, I present myself in my voice. However, I have two additional projects in which I assume the voice of a house cat.
The first is a Facebook account I created in 2007 for my own sidekick, a five year old Tortoiseshell cat whose name I will withhold for the purposes of anonymity. I mostly use the account to post photos of her, and she makes the occasional comment about feline-related topics.
The second is a blog I created for my employer, a local humane society. We have a real live spokescat with a large Facebook fan base. I expanded on this endeavor by creating a blog in his voice. He discusses important topics and events that relate to the organization. It has been a very positive experience.
Although I considered branching out and exploring other voices for this class, I decided to stick with my current theme, continuing to develop my feline persona. It’s amazing how influential other species can be online. (Check out this article on how talking cats help the SPCA.) Wanting to experiment a bit with creative writing—which I never get to explore—I decided to create the character of Zero. My plan is to tell his story over the course of the next seven weeks. Happy reading!
About the author: A Biosketch
Zero’s narrator grew up in Connecticut, but spent six years living elsewhere. She spent four years studying philosophy, music, psychology, gender issues, and a myriad of other topics at small liberal arts colleges. She completed her undergraduate degree in 2007. After spending her college years in Santa Fe, New Mexico and midcoast Maine, and galavanting around western Massachusetts during the two years following, she ran out of money and moved back in with her parents in Connecticut.
When she’s not playing or listening to live music, the author enjoys writing, baking delicious vegan food, and photographing her cat. Her unhealthy obsession with felines is exacerbated through her rewarding employment with a local humane society, where she has worked for nearly four years. She loves this meaningful and important work despite its inability to pay a useful wage.
In September 2011, the author enrolled in the Interactive Media program at Quinnipiac University. This blog is a direct result of one of her courses at the University. She hopes to complete the program in 2013 and then find a job that pays the rent (which will allow her to adopt several more felines). She will likely always devote her free time to local animal organizations, as that is her passion.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
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