Saturday, March 10, 2012


Kip and I are ADOPTED! I know this because a nice man came in, petted us for a long time, and then said, “How would you boys like to be adopted?”

It all started as a typical Saturday. We made a mess of our food and water bowls, played for a bit, and then fell asleep in the window. A group of school children came in midday and hung out with us. Most of them were nice, but one pulled Kip’s tail! When we tired of them, we retreated on to the highest window ledge and gazed down at them. I tried to give the mean boy a hard stare while flicking my tail just to show him how upset I was about the tail pulling.

When they left, I snoozed for awhile and Kip gave himself a bath.

In the later afternoon, a gentleman entered the room. He grabbed on of my favorite toys. I just cannot resist that catnip mouse on a string. I know it’s not real, but it looks so real and tastes so good! Kip and I had great fun chasing it around the room.

After playing for a short while, the man sat down. Kip and I turned on our feline charm. We hung around him and he scratched behind our ears. He left to talk to one of the staff members and then came back into our room. He told us about his house: he has one dog and one human; someone he calls “Wife.” Finally, he told us that we were being adopted. I wasn’t sure what this meant, but I knew it was a good thing.

Tonight we are in his house. This time, I’m not in a bathroom. Kip and I are in a giant room with a big fluffy bed. We ate dinner shortly after arriving, and now we are running around the room. It’s huge! Wife is nice. I like her already. She said we would meet the dog next week, after we’ve “settled in.” I’m nervous about that, but I’ve met more nice dogs than mean, so I’m sure Kip and I can put this one in his place.

I’m excited for my new life here. Being adopted feels great. I wonder if they have a faucet somewhere...

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