I can breathe now. I’m starting to feel better. I’ve been moved yet again. Once more I’ve found myself in a small room, but this time I have a playmate and regular visitors.
My playmate’s name is Kip. I was wary of him at first, but he enthusiastically introduced himself and we’ve become fast friends. Kip also has Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). Like me, he lived out on the streets. Unlike me, he was never scooped up by a nice lady with a dripping faucet. Instead, he found himself stuck in a trap. After getting caught, he was brought directly here.
Kip and I are having great fun. Every morning, we tip over our dishes. When the staff come in, they say, “Oh, boys, what have you done?!” Then they pet us and give us breakfast and fresh water. It’s my new favorite game.
I feel happy again for the first time in ages. There are giant windows in this room. In the morning, if I sit in the corner of the windowsill, I can easily soak up an hour of sun. It feels wonderful, and I can’t help but purrrrrrrr.
In the afternoon we have visitors. It’s hit or miss. Sometimes we have wonderful old ladies who coo to us with their deep, aged voices. Their laps are small and boney, but their touch is magical. Other times we have obnoxious children who pull our ears. Kip and I both retreat to the high window sills when they visit!
Everyone seems to like us. They tell us, “You’ll be adopted soon.” I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds lovely.
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